James Beard Awards Shoots

Every year we shoot a couple features for the James Beard Awards with Intersport. This year was unique in that one feature was the last before quarantine and another was the first shoot we had afterward! We started in Charleston, SC shooting a piece on Abundant Seafood. We started the day at the docks where they sold fresh caught fish to customers and then headed out on the boat to see where they do the fishing. This was a really fun shoot! While on the boat, our second shoot in ATL got cancelled, along with about 13 other shoot days. Luckily that was just temporary!

Last week we headed out in Atlanta to talk to the people growing community gardens in the heart of ATL. It was so, so hot, but we popped up a shade over our interviewees and rolled! we got to see these gardens are helping the community and the people who tend them. They take these ingredients and make a locally famous hot sauce. We headed to a church where they bottle and captured that too. Can’t wait to see the finished pieces in this years award show!


Esports Emmy Nomination


New Gear, save my back!